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The Platform
A Place for Passions, Perspectives, and Gospel Truth

A Quick Word Study: Ezer

The Lord God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.” (Genesis 2:18 ESV) In Genesis 2,...

Love Does by Karoline Barkley

We are just five months into this year, and I have already been hearing one word from God loud and clear: FREEDOM. This year, I have seen...

Catching Stones by Madelyn

“Be a stone catcher, not thrower.” This idea has become my challenge, encouragement, and motivation for pressing into the complexities of...

What Is the Opposite of Fear?

It’s said that the Bible states, “Do not be afraid,” 365 times - one for each day of the year. Although we will walk through daily bouts...

Christian Sex Ed

Throughout middle and high school, I was taught about sex through sermons and lectures. I knew what God had to say about it. Sex belongs...

Finding Biblical Peace

Little Tidbit: Anxiety has been rather rampant in my life lately, but a neat thing that God has been teaching me through it is what...

Isolating Christian Virtues

“The modern world is not evil; in some ways the modern world is far too good. It is full of wild and wasted virtues. When a religious...

Self-Care, Fitness, and God

In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. He created the land and sky, plants and water, the sun and the moon, the beasts...

Feminism and the Heart of God

Disclaimer: I am a work in progress, and I am still learning and unlearning many truths and ideas about what it means to be a woman,...

What Do You Want?

Some of your minds may’ve automatically connected this title to the Notebook when Noah begs: “what do you want?” He’s asking in an...

Now go and seek unity in the faith and knowledge in Christ.  Ephesians 4:13

The Platform Blog 2019

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